CBTL Is Expanding

Sophisticated Content for Great Britain and Europe

Munich (GER), January 2011 - CBTL offers a full range of products and services to the learning industry and is well known for producing high quality bespoke blended learning programs with its in-house production platform "EVOLUTION". For over ten years, the company concentrated on the German market, but is now expanding its focus to Great Britain and the other European markets. Johannes Schnell, CBTL's Managing Director, gives his view on the year 2011 and the developments that his company is targeting.

CBTL is one of Germany's growing eLearning providers. Where will you place your emphasis in 2011 - in the content area or the further expansion of EVOLUTION?

Johannes Schnell: In the realm of content development, we're focusing on interactive exercise types and three-dimensional visualisation. Our ambition is to produce multimedia content like simulations with exercises that react to the learner's responses. For example, imagine an engine in an animated training program, and your task is to disassemble it in the proper sequence. The animation keeps moving into the appropriate position for the next step as long as you answer correctly. If the reply is wrong, the animation stops.

This would be a virtual "hands-on" exercise that offers a real challenge. We want to get away from classical animations that end with nothing but multiple-choice exercises.

But content is not CBTL's only priority. Our other main concern in 2011 is the development of our "EVOLUTION" production platform. In addition to technical advances, we seek to make our products even more user friendly. Our goal is to optimise its use by making it as simple and intuitive as possible.

We're also working to make "EVOLUTION" a "multi-content system". To date, "EVOLUTION" has primarily been known as an "authoring tool" for the creation of learning content and websites. Now it can be used to produce print materials, and in the near future it will also be able to generate content for mobile devices. And, in the not too distant future, it will also be possible to author Apps, which will lead us beyond the field of education and training. We're also gradually creating in "EVOLUTION" content-management system features so it can be used for content applications for distribution on a wide range of platforms.

CBTL has recently expanded into other parts of Europe. What are your goals in Great Britain and Switzerland?

Johannes Schnell: In 2011, our main overseas focus will be the British market. It is not easy to break into the market with high-quality, highly developed content because traditional rapid eLearning products are widespread and some customers have different expectations than those of CBTLs German clientele. Nevertheless, we have found clients who value our high-quality content and in fact demand it. These are usually global players who have discovered that programs produced in English alone are not adequate for efficient worldwide training. We're talking about a niche market that CBTL hopes to further exploit.

In Switzerland, we're going to intensify our marketing efforts with, and via our partners in Bern. 2011 will also see us start up in France, where the law is a very strong factor in fostering internal corporate education and training, making it an attractive market. And in the long run, we plan to become active throughout Europe, both with "EVOLUTION" and in content production.

In which directions do you see the eLearning market developing and how is CBTL preparing itself for the changes?

Johannes Schnell: Unfortunately, I don't have a crystal ball, but in my opinion the increased use of mobile devices will drive both technology and content production.

As far as content is concerned, this means that thought has to be given to the issues of how user interfaces and inputting tools need to be adapted. Such factors demand attention. New paths have to be discovered and taken - paths that will take learning in new directions.