

"Fastest-Growing Education Solution Provider"

Sydney (AU), June 2017 - Recently named one of the “10 Fastest Growing Education Solution Provider Companies” by Insight Success magazine, dominKnow Learning Systems brought their multi-award-winning content-authoring and publishing platform to EduTECH, one of the biggest education events in Asia Pac and the Southern Hemisphere.


Blue Eskimo

Converging L&D and HR Functions Drives Growth

Nick JonesStoke Prior (UK), June 2017 - Learning-sector-recruitment specialist Blue Eskimo is expanding its business to include many HR roles, driven by the increasing convergence of corporate L&D and HR departments. In response to the increasing trend for organisations to either align or combine L&D and HR departments, Blue Eskimo is extending its recruitment services to include many HR and talent-management roles. 


Staff Development

NHBC Chooses New Kallidus Learn and Perform

Cirencester (UK), June 2017 - NHBC has chosen Kallidus Learn and Kallidus Perform, the company’s innovative new learning-and-performance-management solutions to enhance learning opportunities and employee development. Kallidus was selected because its solutions offer an outstanding, modern user experience.


Learning Analytics

LEO Measures Learning Impact on Business

London (UK), June 2017 - The global training market is worth billions, but little of that expenditure is currently going towards measuring the business impact of learning. Learning analytics can be new and daunting territory for L&D professionals, as well as wider organisations that aren’t sure how to get started with measuring learning impact. But in an age of tightly controlled budgets, being able to demonstrate the value of learning and development has become more important than ever.


From Summa Equity

Qlearsite Completes a $7.7m Growth Investment

London (UK), June 2017 - Qlearsite, a British HR-technology company that builds "people-analytics" software used for advanced statistical analyses of employee data, has announced that it has raised $7.7m with Summa Digital, the big-data platform recently established by Summa Equity.


At LT Summer Forum

Kallidus Shines the Spotlight on User-Generated Content

Cirencester (UK), June 2017 - Award-winning learning-and-talent-solutions provider Kallidus will be putting user-generated content (UGC) and its role in today’s modern learning strategies under the microscope at Learning Technologies Summer Forum. 


Micro Maestros

New Cost-Effective Microlearning Company Launched

Micro MaestrosLondon (UK), June 2017 - A brand-new UK-based microlearning company, Micro Maestros, has now launched and is starting to make waves in the industry. The Maestros are on a mission to make smart microlearning available to all organisations at a smart price. 


Towards Maturity

How to Kick-Start a Learner-Centric Strategy

Laura OvertonLondon (UK), June 2017 - Experience and the latest learning-tech research from E.On and Towards Maturity come together at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum. The emphasis is to show how giving an active voice to employees can create a customer-focused strategy that delivers growth, profit and business transformation.