
Staff Training

XOR Delivers Safeguarding Children Course

London (UK), February 2010 - XOR LTD has developed a Safeguarding Children Course for David Lloyd Leisure (DLL). The program helps ensure that children and vulnerable people are protected while with company team members and volunteers. » MORE


Questionmark Releases Perception Version 5

London (UK), February 2010 - The ability to deliver a single assessment to different types of devices and in multiple languages and contexts - plus improved accessibility and scalability - are among the improvements introduced in version 5 of the Questionmark™ Perception™ assessment-management system. » MORE

Content Management

BAE Systems Overhauls Training with OutStart LCMS

London (UK), January 2010 - BAE Systems is taking a new, holistic approach to the way it develops training for its Military Air Solutions' customers around the world. Spurring this new method of doing business is a concept that the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence and its defence contractors call "through-life capability management." » MORE

Awards 2009

Atlantic Link Voted "Best eLearning Development Tool"

Atlanta, GA (USA), January 2010 - Elearning! and Government Elearning! Magazines have announced that Atlantic Link's collaborative rapid eLearning software, Content Point, has been voted as the "Best eLearning development tool" in the "Best of Elearning! Awards 2009". » MORE

Knowledge on Demand

Giunti Labs at Learning Technologies

Florence (IT), January 2010 - Giunti Labs believes that in a world of rapidly developing competition, organisations need to reinvent their training style and effectiveness if they are to keep their talents and competencies up to speed. » MORE

New Face

Pebble Learning Team Beefed up by Zoo Keeper

Telford (UK), January 2010 - Pebble Learning, producer of the online Personal Learning System PebblePad, has appointed a new ePortfolio Consultant. Matthew Wheeler formerly worked at the internationally renowned research department, Beyond Distance Research Alliance, led by Professor Gilly Salmon at the University of Leicester. Colin Dalziel, Director of Pebble Learning, comments, "We're delighted that Matthew has chosen to join Pebble Learning." » MORE

Social Business

Membership Rockets for eLearning Network CIC

Hadlow (UK), January 2010 - After more than twenty years as an unincorporated association with around 150 members, the eLearning Network (eLN), a non-profit organisation run by the eLearning community for the eLearning community, is beginning its first full year as a community-interest company (CIC). » MORE

Serious Games

Open Tendering: Four projects by KTM Advance Selected

Paris (F), January 2010 - As a result of the open tendering "Serious Games", launched in the "digital" part of the economic revival plan, the French government chose four projects in partnership with KTM Advance. Dedicated to Serious Games as well as to the Web 2.0 and financed with thirty million euros, this public offer reflects the government's intention to accelerate the digital change of both the economy and the French society. » MORE

Motorcycle Safety

Coastal Releases New Training Program

Virginia Beach, VA (USA), January 2010 - Coastal Training Technologies is covering new terrain with Motorcycle Safety Awareness, a timely training program that describes various ways to keep riders secure and helps prevent injuries and fatalities. » MORE