
Higher Education

Oracle Positioned in Gartner's Leaders Quadrant

Orlando, FL (USA), November 2008 - Gartner Inc.'s October 2008 Magic Quadrant for Higher Education Administrative Suites positions Oracle in the Leaders Quadrant. The annual report evaluates higher-education administrative-suite vendors based on the completeness of their vision and their ability to implement it. » MORE

Learning Connection

New Collaboration between Education and Industry

Orlando, FL (USA), November 2008 - At Educause 2008 in October, the nonprofit IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC) announced the Digital Learning Connection, a new programme designed to make it easier for faculty, professors, teachers, and IT staff to incorporate digital learning applications and content into course web sites. » MORE

ICT for Change

Transforming Large Organisations

Nancy (FR), November 2008 - Organisational transformation is never easy, and this is particularly the case when organisations are large and established like universities and public administrations. Deborah Arnold, project manager Vidéoscop-Université Nancy, describes to CHECK.point eLearning a way of promoting the use of ICT to support change for a more efficient and effective organisation. » MORE

Video Lecturing

HumaniZing: More Than Just Engaging eLearning

Singapore (SG), November 2008 - Recording lectures on video and making them available online is often a first step to providing asynchronous support to students. Using video lectures and conferencing systems, Dr. Daniel Tiong Hok Tan, professor at Nanyang Technological University of Singapore explained to CHECK.point eLearning how to develop from humaniZing eLearning to engaging learning surroundings. » MORE

Web 2.0 in Poland

Using Virtual Worlds as Universities

Lublin (PL), November 2008 - Social networking and the use of Web 2.0 tools like blogs and wikis open up a rich variety of opportunities for the education sector. Dr. Andrzej Wodecki, professor at Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Poland, described how his institution is making use of virtual worlds like Second Life as a traditional university to CHECK.point eLearning. » MORE

Content Creation

Engaging the Millennial Generation

Barcelona (E), November 2008 - Engaging the millennial generation puts a whole new set of demands on the learning provider regardless of the institution or organisation. Eva de Lera, Senior Strategist of the Office of Learning Technologies at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona told CHECK.point eLearning about the project ENJOY Guidelines: 12 Guidelines for Designing Engaging eLearning Environments. » MORE

Intercultural Learning

"There is no single, universal formula ..."

Makuhari (JP), November 2008 - Learning across borders involves changes and adaptations in basic design methodologies as well as in management and support services. Dr. Kumiko Aoki, professor at the National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan is convinced that cross-border learning provides unique opportunities. She explained to CHECK.point eLearning how the successful learning design of courses using ICT can promote intercultural dialogue. » MORE

Serious Games

Gaming in Business and Management

Haarlem (NL), November 2008 - People engaged in business and management studies have long seen the value of using gaming to engage learners. Ton Muns, eLearning expert at INHOLLAND University of Professional Education, explains why gaming enhances learning programs for business students regardless whether these students are engaged in full-time studies or in in-service professional development. » MORE


Integrated Infrastructure: "1 click 2 eLearning"

Zagreb (HR), November 2008 - Recently, the University of Zagreb, Croatia, established a large-scale eLearning service integrating various learning-management systems including Moodle, WebCT, a Croatian LMS called AhyCo, and many other systems. Kristijan Zimmer, Head of Information Services and the e-Educational Unit, told CHECK.point eLearning about benefits, challenges, and synergies created by using integrated technological eLearning solutions like E-Campus. » MORE


Creating Truly Active Contents

Ljubljana (SI), November 2008 - Creating and re-purposing content in a cost-effective and attractive manner is often top of the list when it comes to the challenges faced by eLearning providers - regardless of sector. Primoz Luksic, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics (IMFM) in Ljubiljana, explained the difference between creating interactive and truly active content to CHECK.point eLearning. » MORE