
Higher Education

Lithuania Chooses Blackboard ePortfolio

Vilnius (LT), August 2008 - Following scrutiny of diverse systems, Lithuania has selected Blackboard ePortfolio for an important educational task. The decision was made by LieDM, the national eLearning initiative, which is a part of the new Lithuanian Virtual University funding program. » MORE

Research Report

US Report on Distance Learning

Boston, MA (USA), August 2008 - The Distance Learning 2012 Study, conducted by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) and the Hale Group, will examine the steps necessary to ensure success for distance learning into the next decade. The report will provide universities and corporations with data-driven insight and strategic recommendations on opportunities in the growing distance-learning market. » MORE

The ROI Academy™

National Occupational Standards for Management

London (UK), July 2008 - The ROI Academy™ has licensed the National Occupational Standards for Management to use in conjunction with its leading-edge training-evaluation tool, the Performance Pound™. The ROI Academy™'s Performance Pound™ web tool assesses and tracks performance against a set of up to 36 metrics that form the ideal attributes of a role or team. » MORE

Giunti Labs

HarvestRoad Hive Eases Content Migration Issues

Sestri Levante (I), July 2008 - A software system - HarvestRoad Hive from learning and mobile content-management-technology provider, Giunti Labs - is helping organisations, particularly those in the education sector, to save both time and manpower as they make information more readily available to users. » MORE

On Demand

UK University Lectures via iTunes

London (UK)/ Dublin (IE), July 2008 - University College London, the Open University, and Trinity College Dublin are putting lectures on to iTunes. Educational content is already available in the United States through the non-charging "iTunes U" section of the music-downloading service. But European universities are now joining, providing video and audio material for students to use on iPods or computers. The service will include recordings of lectures from leading academics. » MORE

Lifelong Learning

Adult education - Pathway to the Future

Athens (GR), July 2008 - Adult education took a backseat in Greece until recently, although the educational level of the population has been pushed substantially upwards in the last half century as a result of rapid economic development - and following EU membership, it has accelerated enormously. Now, adult education has become an important part of a drive for improved conditions and services in the country. » MORE

Higher Bandwidth

Speed and Space for eLearning in the City University

London (UK), July 2008 - City University in London has upgraded its data network to support high bandwidth eLearning technologies such as video podcasts of lectures. The University selected ntl:Telewest Business to replace its WAN with a high-speed metro Ethernet VPN network, which connects its main building and central campus at Northampton Square in Clerkenwell to ten remote sites, including Cass Business School, City Community and Health Sciences, and The City Law School. » MORE


A Bridge between Graduation and Job Acquisition

Bucharest (RO), June 2008 - (by Elena Lita) One hundred and fifteen students from the Cisco Networking Academy Program have been selected in the second edition of the NetReady initiative to be supported in developing a career in the telecommunications field. NetReady is a joint effort begun in February 2007 by Cisco Romania, the Romanian Association of Networking Academies (RoNetAcad), and other major industry organizations. » MORE

Erasmus Mundus

EduContact opens up to new partners

Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex (F), June 2008 - EduContact is an Erasmus Mundus project that allows students worldwide to obtain personalized advice on European higher distance education, thanks to its multilingual contact centre. It also provides an online selection of courses in English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Dutch and Turkish. » MORE

To Engage Students

The Online Education Method Practiced in Nitra

Praha (CZ)/ Bratislava (SK), June 2008 - The IT Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Univerzita Konstantina Filozofa (FPV UKF) in Nitra, a specialised facility for educating teachers and specialists in Applied Information Technology, makes use of the Internet in connection with a new method for online education with eLearning support. » MORE