

Tool for Quality Assessment in eLearning

Heerlen (NL), March 2009 - E-xcellence is a web-based instrument focusing on eLearning in higher education. It is the main product of a two-year project, undertaken under the auspices of EADTU (The European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) and involving a pool of experts from twelve European institutions with a stake in eLearning developments. Quality Assurance in Higher Education (HE) has received a great deal of attention at the institutional, national, and European levels through validation centres, universities (and their umbrella organisations), quality agencies, national Ministries of Education, and the like. » MORE

MBA Ranking

Quacquarelli Symonds Publishes Latest Survey Results

London (UK), January 2009 - QS Quacquarelli Symonds has announced the publishing of the results of their eighteenth annual MBA employer survey "QS Global 200 Business Schools 2009: The Employers' Choice". The research demonstrates that MBA employers around the world are increasingly targeting a broader selection of regionally strong business schools from which to hire MBA graduates. » MORE


WebCT Founder Launches Brainify

Vancouver, British Columbia (CA), January 2009 - Murray Goldberg, founder of WebCT, has announced the beta launch of - an academic community for university and college students and their instructors centred on academic social bookmarking. In addition to bookmarking, Brainify includes the ability to create groups of common academic interest, to pose academic questions to the student community, and to follow the collections, comments, and questions of other respected community members closely. » MORE


Fresh Approach to Section 508-Compliant eLearning

Warrenville, IL (USA), January 2009 - Section 508 was enacted by the US government to eliminate barriers in information technology and to make new opportunities for people with disabilities available. CourseAvenue now announces the availability of their Accessibility Player, a new technology that builds Section 508 compliance into the core of eLearning content. » MORE

Distance Learning

Economic Downturn Not Bad News for All Universities

Milton Keynes (UK), January 2009 - The British Council fears the economic downturn may deter international students from coming to the UK to study, but it's not bad news for all. The Open University Business School is defying the trend through offering relevant and responsive business and management education to around 43,000 students in nearly seventy countries. » MORE

Online Tutorials

Useful Tools for Students

Washington, DC (USA), January 2009 - Independent research has determined that Smarthinking's online tutoring services increase student achievement and assist in improving student retention. » MORE

Virtual Classroom

Wimba to Deliver Online Dental Training Worldwide

New York, NY (USA)/Cambridge (UK), January 2009 - Wimba has announced that the International Virtual Dental School (IVIDENT) has licensed Wimba Classroom™ for its global, online dental training program. IVIDENT aims to bridge the gap between skills development for dentists and the availability of expert teachers, particularly in specialised niche fields of training. » MORE

Worldwide Access

OER: Unstoppable or Unsustainable?

Berlin, December 2008 - In the plenary session "Open Educational Resources: Unstoppable or Unsustainable?" at ONLINE EDUCA Berlin, Richard Baraniuk, charismatic pioneer of the Open Educational Resources movement discussed the extent to which Open Educational Resources (OER) have become a sustainable part of education with several other experts. » MORE

Innovative Learning Desig

Not Such New News for Parts of the Future

Berlin (GER), December 2008 - Chaired by Louisa Dale of JISC (UK), one of the sessions at ONLINE EDUCA Berlin focused on Innovative Learning Design. With "a swarm of people" waiting outside commented Dale, the session got off to a promising start, with its offer of insights into the future of technologies and processes of learning, collaboration and innovation. The products and concepts presented, however, turned out to be rather well known. » MORE

Increasingly Popular

Digital Storytelling: What's in a Story

Berlin, December 2008 - Storytelling, described as the ancient art of conveying events in words, images, and sounds, often by improvisation or embellishment, is becoming increasingly popular in the world of online learning. During this presentation session of ONLINE EDUCA Berlin, followed by an open discussion session on the same topic, several practitioners showed how they are use storytelling. » MORE