

Wimba Unveils Pronto in Europe

New York (USA)/ Manchester (UK), May 2008 - Wimba, the education technology company that helps people teach people, unveiled the new Wimba Pronto™ to an international audience, at Blackboard's annual European Users Conference. Wimba Pronto is an academic-centric, instant messaging platform designed specifically to advance and promote learning through a unique set of tools. Featuring pre-populated classmates tab, online tutoring and office-hours mode, and rich communications tools, Wimba Pronto is different from other basic messenger platforms. » MORE

PRME initiative

Global Forum for Responsible Management Education

New York (USA), May 2008 - The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), a UN-backed global initiative developed to promote corporate responsibility and sustainability in business education, has now been endorsed by more than 100 business schools and universities from around the world. » MORE

Utilising Rich Media

"Web 2.0 Should Complement eLearning"

Harare (ZWE), May 2008 - At eLearning Africa, Raymond Tsongorera is representing the University of Zimbabwe. His passion is in Web 2.0, Multimedia, webcasting and eLearning. He believes that in this fast-growing family of ICT, scientists and researchers should share the vast amount of knowledge available by all means possible so as to come up with meaningful contributions to the ICT family structure. He answered some question for CHECK.point eLearning. » MORE


The Right of Women to Do Something

Buea Fako (CM), May 2008 - In his speech at eLearning Africa, Eugene Ngole Masango from the Rural Women Development and Environmental Organisation in Cameroon will clarify his belief that more women and girls should be empowered in Information and Communication Technology. This especially true of the grassroots women who are seriously in need of information. » MORE

Sharing of ICT Resources

The Network for Tanzanian High Learning and Research

Dar-es-Salaam (TZS), May 2008 - Dr. Jabiri Kuwe Bakari is currently a Lecturer and Director of the Institute of Educational Technology, Open University of Tanzania. He is also the Acting Executive Secretary of TERNET, an organisation he will introduce at eLearning Africa. He will also explain TERNET's plans and strategies for facilitating eL.earning initiatives among higher learning institutions in Tanzania. » MORE

Governmental Strategy

Malawi: the View Forward

Lilongwe (MW), May 2008 - The Government of Malawi has recognized that the use of modern techniques of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is important and necessary for the acceleration of economic growth and development. Aubrey Diverson Matemba, Senior Technical Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, explains the governmental strategy with regard to eLearning to CHECK.point eLearning. » MORE


Is Mobile Learning the Future of Education in Africa?

Accra (GH), May 2008 - If the advantages of eLearning cannot be overemphasized, then the merits of Mobile Learning - mLearning - are revolutionary, opines Fred Kofi de Heer-Menlah from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). CHECK.point eLearning asked him about his ideas in the context of his presentation at eLearning Africa entitled "An Investigation into Wireless Technology for M-Learning at GIMPA". » MORE

Distance Learning

Certification for Clayton College of Natural Health

Boston, MA (USA), May 2008 - USDLA/QS certification is "a standards-based program that recognizes excellence across a range of distance learning settings", according to Dr. John G. Flores, USDLA Chief Executive Officer. Clayton College has been certified as an Alternative and Continuing Education provider under the Quality Standards program. Based on a rigorous peer review process, it is designed both to protect the public and to improve the distance learning experience. » MORE


To Facilitate Web-based Studies

Helsinki (FI), April 2008 - Competencies, Scoping and Monitoring of Web-Based Learning (KoMiTi) is a two-year project coordinated by the University of Kuopio, Finland. One of its aims has been to give visibility to web-based learning, which is often perceived of as invisible. The results of the project are assembled in the manual Skills, Hourglasses and Statistics. The project also produced a web-based course planning tool for teachers called Aada&Aaron. » MORE

Moodle Integration

The Open University Selects Elluminate Live!

Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA), April 2008 - Elluminate, Inc., a provider of live eLearning and web collaboration solutions for the real-time organization, has announced that the Open University (OU), the largest university in the United Kingdom and a pioneer of large-scale distance learning, has selected Elluminate Live!® as their enterprise synchronous collaboration solution. In addition, the OU will also integrate the virtual classroom with its chosen learning management system, Moodle™. » MORE