
Train the Brain

Brain Fitness Exercise Works; Crosswords Don't

BrainHQSan Francisco, CA (USA), May 2013 - A study pitted a commercially available brain-fitness exercise against crossword puzzles. Researchers at the University of Iowa, reporting in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS ONE found that the group using the computerized exercise for just ten hours had significant gains in cognitive function, while the group doing crosswords on the computer for an equal amount of time had no significant improvements. » MORE

Insight Report

Mobile Learning Growth in North America

Seattle, WA (USA), April 2013 - The revenues for mobile-learning products in North America reached an imposing $1.4 billion in 2012. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 7.6%, and revenues will climb to $2.1 billion by 2017, according to a new Ambient Insight report called, "The 2012-2017 North America Mobile Learning Market." » MORE

Compliance Straining Stud

Towards Maturity and SAI Global Collaborate

London (UK), April 2013 - SAI Global, a supplier of ethics and compliance training, is sponsoring a new independent benchmark study exploring methodologies and practices for improving the impact of compliance training. The study has been produced in collaboration with Towards Maturity, a not-for-profit benchmarking organisation committed to sharing and promoting best practice in the use of learning technologies. The results of the study will be shared through a new report to be issued in July 2013. » MORE


"The Publisher's Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development"

Palm Beach Gardens, FL. (USA) April 2013 - Newstex has released "The Publisher's Guide to Mobile and Tablet Development-, an ebook licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, making it available for free download and unlimited sharing. The ebook examines current trends in the mobile industry and how these trends affect publishers' efforts to deliver content to mobile audiences. » MORE


Helping to Understand Global Talent Management Trends

Munich (GER), March 2013 - Speexx, a provider of online corporate language training, has released a free whitepaper for the talent-management sector. Entitled "Setting the Agenda for Global Talent Management", it addresses cloud-based learning systems, the power of mobile, and the importance of cross-border communication. One key finding reveals that 88 percent of HR and L&D managers consider foreign-language and communication skills to be pivotal for business success. The whitepaper helps professionals understand the changing industry landscape and benchmark themselves against their worldwide peers. » MORE

eLC Reseach Paper Series

The Drastic Reduction of Lifetime Devoted to Knowledge

Barcelona (E), February 2013 - The current issue of the magazine eLC Reseach Paper Series, coordinated by the eLearning, Information & Communication UOC Research Group (ECO), is now available. This edition is entitled "Communication and Learning in the Digital Age", and it has been coordinated by Amalia Creus and Sandra Sanz, professors of the Doctoral Programme in Education & ICT (e-Learning) at eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). » MORE

A Cooperative Effort

Producing a Detailed eLearning Market Report

London (UK), February 2013 - IBIS Capital Limited, a specialist investment bank focused on the media sector, has produced a 101-page report on the eLearning sector - with market information and analysis from Learning Light, a consultancy with in-depth knowledge of and experience in the eLearning marketplace and how to use eLearning materials effectively. » MORE

Towards Maturity

Over 70% of Companies Plan to Implement mLearning

London (UK), February 2013 - The In-Focus report, commissioned by Upside Learning, uses independent research findings to highlight practical ways to implement m-learning successfully. Mobile research by benchmarking company Towards Maturity highlights how over seventy percent of companies from the Towards Maturity Benchmark Study 2012-2013 of 500 organisations, are planning to implement m-learning in the next two years. » MORE