
Call for Papers

Guest editors in demand

Barcelona (E), August 2012 - The Universities and Knowledge Society Journal "RUSC", published by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunia, will publish a Dossier on Education and Technology in Mexico and Latin America: Outlook and Challenges, in collaboration with the National System of Distance Education (SINED), Mexico. Guest editors are welcome. » MORE


Frequent and Problematic Types of Plagiarism

Oakland, CA (USA), June 2012 - Turnitin, a web-based solution for plagiarism prevention, has announced the results of a new survey of nearly 900 instructors that classifies the most frequent and troubling forms of plagiarism. » MORE


ICTs are transforming African education

Cotonou (BJ), May 2012 - The Honourable Max Ahouéké, Minister of Communication and Information and Communication Technologies of the Republic of Benin, will present the results this week of a major survey of the impact of new technology and improved connectivity on education throughout Africa. » MORE

Learning Survey 2012

A Comprehensive Review of the Workplace-Learning Sector

Coventry (UK), May 2012 - The Learning Survey 2012 has been published, and in the following, CHECK.point eLearning provides extracts from the executive summary. The full report will be presented at LEARNING LIVE 2012 on the 12-13 September 2012 in London. » MORE

New Report

Survey on Most Effective Online Marketing Tools

New York, NY (USA), May 2012 - "Ditch Digital Dabbling: How Small Businesses and Nonprofits Can Master Online Marketing", reveals the "magic number" of hours required to make social-media marketing a success. According to the report, it takes a minimum of 25 hours per week to see worthwhile results from social-media efforts. » MORE

Open Access

Free Guide: Mobile Learning - Building It Right

Brighton (UK), April 2012 - Kineo is currently providing advice and information on mobile learning in a series of free guides on mobile learning in practice. Mobile learning has pushed beyond the "what if" hype to "what now" - how do we make this work for real? » MORE

Study Results

Business Bloggers Want More Respect from CEOs

New York, NY (USA), March 2012 - Bloggers believe that CEOs rarely, if ever, take the right steps in order to properly engage them, according to a survey of prominent institutional bloggers who cover corporate and business news for top-tier national, regional, and trade news outlets. » MORE

Increase in 2012

eLearning Barometer: CrossKnowledge Presents the Results

London (UK), March 2012 - The results of the first barometer on the use of eLearning in Europe, conducted by CrossKnowledge and Ipsos, shed light on the place of eLearning within training strategies, giving a better understanding of its application. They further confirm the growing use of eLearning in the countries studied. » MORE

Free Guide

How Important Is Change Management?

London (UK), February 2012 - The change-management specialist Maven has released their latest edition of the Quick Guide Series. Written by Maven CEO Melanie Franklin, a renowned consultant in business transformation, the guide is entitled 'How important is Change Management?' » MORE

Survey Results

UK Businesses "Put the Customer Last" Say Consumers

London (UK), February 2012 - In a nationwide review of surveys undertaken by retail organisations, statisticians, consumer organisations, and ombudsmen, The Ken Blanchard Companies have found a mass of evidence suggesting that in the UK, the customer comes anything but first. » MORE