
Changing Values

Engagement Key to Success in Compliance eLearning

Warwickshire (UK), July 2013 - A major new study has revealed that over two thirds of the organisations queried fail to engage their employees with their compliance learning programmes despite improved engagement being an objective for 98% of participants. Compliance training's poor reputation was also cited by over half of respondents as negatively impacting the success of their programmes. » MORE

Better Integration

5 Ideas for Embedding Learning into the Workflow

Saarbruecken (GER), July 2013 - This year, the annual and independent Towards Maturity Benchmark highlighted that nine out of ten learning-and-development professionals recognize the need to better integrate learning and work. In their report IMC and Towards Maturity show - with the help of survey results - innovative methods, theories, and practical case studies how to support employees in their daily working processes. » MORE

eLearning Africa Report

OERs and MOOCs: Old Wine in New Skins?

Berlin (GER), July 2013 - Neil Butcher is Director at Neil Butcher and Associates and OER Strategist at OER Africa, an Initiative of the Southern African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE). As an expert in OERs, and believer in the power of MOOCs to change education for the better, he is nevertheless worried about the direction in which these open online resources are being taken. In the following, he outlines his fear that new technologies are simply - and unimaginatively - being used to replicate existing educational systems and gives his own vision of the revolutionary effect MOOCs and OERs could have on learning in the future. » MORE

Staff-generated Input

The Role of eLearning in Improving Healthcare Services

London (UK), June 2013 - Webanywhere has produced a white paper in response to the Francis Report, which highlights how eLearning can help meet the recommendations set out by Sir Robert Francis QC. The Francis Report was published in February to help the healthcare sector avoid the issues uncovered within Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. It cited failings in patient care and a system of secrecy, defensiveness, and lack of adequate training. Webanywhere, a provider of eLearning systems for businesses, developed the paper to show healthcare organisations how eLearning can help with the implementation of the Report's recommendations. » MORE

Little's Britain

Technology's effects on bedroom activities

London (UK), June 2013 - (by Bob Little) According to a survey of 1,000 commuters in London, carried out by Infosecurity Europe, 29% of people look at emails - on computers or smartphones - and catch up on work while they're in bed, especially if they can't sleep. Apparently, 15% of them do this at the same time as their partner is doing exactly the same thing. » MORE


How Organizations Are Managing the Growing Risks

Delray Beach, FL (USA), May 2013 - Brandon Hall Group has been on a journey to better understand how organizations are managing the growing risks they face concerning critical talent. Brandon Hall asks you to assist in the research efforts by completing a short survey that will foster better understanding of talent-management risks and opportunities. » MORE

eLearning Africa 2013

African Voices on the Digital Revolution

eLearning Africa Report 2013Windhoek (NB), June 2013 - A new report shows that laptops and mobile phones are now far and away the most popular new learning devices in Africa. Tablets, despite the hype, are still lagging, only being used regularly by twenty percent of eLearning practitioners. » MORE

Stresses and strains

Employees Read Work Email during Family Occasions

London (UK), May 2013 - The conventional 9am-5pm working day and five-day working week is a thing of the past for the overwhelming majority of workers at small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs), according to a new survey on work-related email habits. Due to the widespread availability and use of smartphones and tablets, email is more accessible than ever. As a result, it has become deeply embedded in the daily workplace and personal lives of most employees. » MORE

Help for Tutors

Pebble Learning's Book Now Free to Download

PebblegogyTelford (UK), May 2013 - Pebble Learning, founders of the online personal learning space PebblePad, have now made their latest book, "Pebblegogy", available for free download. Bridging the gap between technology and learning, Pebblegogy aims to help tutors and learning designers create meaningful activities that will support their curricula. » MORE

White Paper

Questionmark: Five Steps to Better Tests

London (UK), May 2013 - "What's the first thing the author of a test should do? If you think that writing the first question is a good way to start, think again," explains Questionmark's Doug Peterson. A new white paper from assessment technologies and services provider Questionmark offers instructional designers, test authors, and other learning professionals valuable tips for creating high-quality tests efficiently - starting with careful planning rather than writing any test items. » MORE