
The COOPER Project

Team-based eLearning Turns a New Page

Hannover (GER) / Lugano (CH), March 2008 - How do students, who may be located across the globe, collaborate on team-based project work? European researchers have developed the first online platform that integrates elements of eLearning, social networking, and project management to help virtual teams get the most from their practical experience. » MORE

Project Findings

Public and Private Funding in Higher Education

Hannover (GER), March 2008 -In the past, reports have indicated that social and financial barriers to participation in higher education exist. The project "Public / private funding of higher education: a social balance", co-funded by the European Commission under the Socrates programme, explored such barriers by examining various approaches to sharing the teaching-related costs for higher education between the state and households. » MORE

European Support

Small Enterprises Accessing the Open Labour Market

Chemnitz (GER), March 2008 - The project SOLE is a Leonardo Transfer-of-Innovations-funded project that brings placement support to new EU member states and is targeted towards SMEs and job seekers in foreign countries. The Project's aim is to help employers who take on workers, trainees, and students from other European countries. From October 2007 until October 2009, the three partners, Interminds LLC, Bulgaria, ROC Midden, the Netherlands, and Community4you GmbH, Germany will carry out the project. » MORE

Open Education

The EU Project OLCOS Has Officially Ended

Salzburg (AT), February 2008 - Open Educational Resources (OER) have gained a great deal of attention in the last few years. From January 2006 to December 2007, Open eLearning Content Observatory Services (OLCOS), a project co-funded by the European Commission under the eLearning Programme, explored how OER can make a difference in teaching and learning. » MORE


New Project Involvements and New Secretary General

Brussels (BE), January 2008 - The New Year has started with positive news and changes. Three new EU-funded projects with strong EFQUEL participation have been approved and have started their work. Furthermore, the EFQUEL Board has announced the new position of Secretary General. » MORE

Knowledge Bridge

The Water-Online-Network (WON) Launched Successfully!

Essen (GER), January 2008 - The Water-Online-Network (WON) has been launched to increase the knowledge about sustainable water management and to facilitate the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), especially in the development and dissemination of valuable eLearning solutions. It is part of the Knowledge Bridge Project funded by the EC. » MORE

Benefits for Citizens

Official Launch of the European Qualifications Framework

Brussels (BE), December 2007 - The new European Qualifications Framework (EQF) will act as a translation device between national qualifications systems in Europe. This will help employers and educational establishments across the Continent compare and better understand the qualifications presented by individuals. The core of the EQF system is its eight reference levels, covering the span from basic to the highest-level qualifications. » MORE

Project Report

eLearning-Quality for SMEs

Lisbon (PT), December 2007 - (by Vanda Vieira, CECOA) During the last two years, seven European organisations have been working on the quality of eLearning targeted to SMEs. Under the coordination of CECOA, the Portuguese Vocational Training Centre for the Trade and Service Industry, the partnership developed products targeted at European SME entrepreneurs, training providers, training consultants, and social partners. In a final conference in Lisbon, the project findings were published and discussed. » MORE


European eLearning Standardization Committee

Essen (GER), November 2007 - The new European standardization committee for eLearning, called CEN/TC 353, has been founded; its establishment is the result of extensive, thorough preparation. Reaching a European consensus on eLearning standards was a daunting endeavor, as was defining a vision, mission statement, and business plan. Finally, though, the unique organization will begin its efforts to bridge the gap between the international standards developed by the leading international eLearning standardization committee SC36 "IT-supported Learning, Education and Training (ITLET)" and those of the respective European national standardization bodies. » MORE

Feedback Wanted

b-involved - Dialogue Platform for Online-debate Started

Ispra (IT)/Brussels (BE), November 2007 - The b-involved platform is an Internet application that enables a small group of up to ten people to have a focused discussion about a pre-defined issue. Developed by the European Commission - Joint Research Centre and the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, it went online at the end of October. » MORE