
European Project

Helping Small Enterprises to Sell their Technology

Grenoble (FR), September 2007 - The Programme of the European research project EUBBSI - European Business-to-Business Sales Institute - is designed to meet the needs of managers and sales staffs of small and medium-sized companies and start-ups. It was developed by Grenoble, France's Ecole de Management in cooperation with its academic partners Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, and CEU Business School, Hungary. » MORE


Polish Fact-finders Visit Learning Light

Sheffield (UK), August 2007 - Learning Light (LL), a non-profit centre of excellence in the use of learning technologies in the workplace, has hosted a delegation from Poland on a fact-finding mission to learn about the UK's multimedia and information-systems sector. LL and its associates, The MRS Consultancy, played host to a delegation from MultiKlaster, an EU-funded project that aims to create a 'cluster of multimedia and information systems' in Nowy Sqcz, Poland. » MORE

Socrates Minerva

eLSe - The eLearning for Seniors Project

Erlangen (GER), August 2007 - (by Sonia Hetzner, Paul Held and Esther Paulmann, FIM-NewLearning, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) There has been a steady increase in the number of learning opportunities for seniors, a specific goal being to meet the challenge of including older people in the information and communication society. These training opportunities are usually in traditional learning settings and less frequently in a context of mutual support, where the participants work in a self-directed way. » MORE

Shove Ha'Penny

Car Industry Employees Learn with Pub Game

London (UK), August 2007 - Employees at UK car manufacturers now have two interactive learning tools at their fingertips that help them to understand the mathematics behind performance and productivity processes. Researchers from the London Knowledge Lab, UK, collaborated with the training staff of car manufacturers in developing training tools for statistical process control (SPC), a method that is used to monitor performance and productivity processes in the automotive industry. » MORE

Statistical Survey

ICT in Secondary Education in South-East Europe

Moscow (RU), August 207 - The survey "Indicators of ICT Application in Secondary Education of South-East European Countries" aimed at investigating the main factors, tendencies, problems, and solutions for ICT applications in secondary schools of South-Eastern Europe. The survey was conducted by the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. » MORE

Conference Proceedings

eLearning in European SMEs

Brussels (BE)/Münster (GER), July 2007 - The ARIEL project, supported within the eLearning initiative of the European Commission, investigated supply-and-demand factors on the eLearning market for small and medium-sized enterprises and described future trends with the scenario method. The proceedings of the ARIEL final conference give a comprehensive overview of the research results. » MORE

Council of Europe

A Learning Community around Human Rights

Wageningen (NL), July 2007 - Stoas Learning BV will be delivering an electronic learning environment to the Council of Europe in October. Ultimately, this will bring together 100,000 lawyers from 47 countries for the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights. The company, based in Wageningen, the Netherlands, was deemed the best of the lot after a European tender process. » MORE

Project Continues

DAD - a Digital Aided Guide for Fathers-to-be

Vienna (A), July 2007 - The digital aided guide for fathers-to-be is a free and anonymous online service successfully implemented in the Austrian market. With a financial contribution from the EC's eTEN Programme, the scope of the DAD guide has now been broadened to a European level. A market validation project being coordinated by the Austrian firm Webducation has just started. » MORE

European Project

KNOWLEDGE BRIDGE to Improve European Water Quality

Essen (GER), July 2007 - KNOWLEDGE BRIDGE, the innovative European project for sustainable water management, has been launched. Its ambitious intention is to bridge the environmental divide in Europe. Thirteen partners from six European countries joined the project to promote and to improve the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). » MORE