
Risk Management

New Range of eLearning Courses on Personal Safety

London (UK), April 2011 - Learning Nexus, in line with guidance and advice from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, has created a range of Personal Safety courses that are engaging, interactive, and advice driven, designed to help employers keep "at risk" employees safe and aware of potentially distressing situations. » MORE


Shortlist Announced for LTE Awards 2011

Amsterdam (NL), April 2011 - The leaders in excellence and innovation in mobile broadband will be recognised at the LTE World Summit, taking place on 17-18 May in Amsterdam. The winners will be announced at a Gala Dinner Awards Ceremony, taking place in De Duif Amsterdam on 17 May. » MORE

Human Trafficking

eLearning Tools Launched on International Woman's Day

London (UK), April 2011 - On International Women's Day, a joint eLearning initiative between Metropolitan Housing Partnership (MHP) and STOP THE TRAFFIK was launched to educate and raise awareness of human trafficking among authorities, communities, and the public. The eLearning modules explain what human trafficking is, the signs of trafficking people should look out for, and what people can do if they suspect trafficking is happening in their community. » MORE

On the Go

GoodPractice Launches Free iPhone App for Managers

Edinburgh (UK), April 2011 - GoodPractice, a UK provider of online resources for leaders and managers, has launched a free iPhone app for managers. The new "Top Tips for Managers" iPhone app has been developed in response to a growing market demand for more technology-based learning solutions. The app is initially available to iPhone users, with Android and Blackberry versions a possibility in future. » MORE

Core Learning Services

Training Young Leaders and Supporting Health and Safety

London (UK), April 2011 - Core Learning Services and its sister company, the learning management system (LMS) specialist Course-Source, are helping Badminton England take its first steps in eLearning. The firm also continues to host Global Radio's LMS solution for developing health and safety eLearning materials for its staff. » MORE

Learning Developments

Holographic Tutors and Skin Assessment

Brighton (UK), April 2011 - Imagine a future where students not only have a holographic tutor, but their engagement with the learning could also be measured via biometric technology. Well, imagine no more - it's arrived in Brighton. » MORE

Virtual Academy

Oil Industry Trainer Opts for LMS from Omniplex

Hemel Hempstead (UK)/Montreal, QC (CA), April 2011 - Aberdeen Drilling Consultants Ltd, a training company with facilities in Aberdeen, is coordinating its supply of training via the Absorb learning-management system supplied by Omniplex. » MORE

Successful Start

Upside Learning Stands Out in London

London (UK)/Pune (IN), April 2011 - Upside Learning put a stand at the CIPD's HRD 2011 at Olympia London in early April - their very first "outing" in the UK. It turned out to be a great show, with executives from several blue-chip companies visiting their stand to discuss specific performance and learning challenges. This is a good beginning for their new office in Europe, which was recently opened. » MORE

Rapid Learning

MAPFRE Trusts the Capsule Company

Madrid (ES), April 2011 - A workforce of almost 36,800 employees spread across more than 5,350 of its own branches located mainly in Spain and America represents a significant challenge to the MAPFRE HR team. With the competitive insurance sector in mind, MAPFRE searched for the best possible learning solution. They and found their partner in the Capsule Company. » MORE