
Research Findings

Further Education Boosts Economy by £75 Billion

London (UK), May 2011 - Further education participants generate an additional £75bn for the economy over their lifetimes, with apprenticeships generating around £40 for each pound of government investment, new research shows. The study, commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, examines the economic value generated by Government-funded post-nineteen qualifications. » MORE

On-Demand Assessment

Questionmark Adds New Analytics Solutions

Norwalk, CT (USA), May 2011 - New tools for analyzing and reporting on assessment results top the list of new features in the latest release of Questionmark On Demand assessment- management solutions. Questionmark Analytics, a new module within Questionmark Perception, enables users to generate reports on assessment items and results. » MORE

New Executive Committee

ELIG's Leaders Represent a Diverse Learning Industry

Paris (FR), May 2011 - The drive to continually raise the profile of learning on the European political and commercial agendas has been given greater impetus with a newly expanded Executive Committee for the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG). » MORE

Free Access

World Leading Leadership and Management Resources

Stroud (UK), May 2011 - LMMatters is offering organisations free access to its leadership and management online resources for the whole of Adult Learners' Week, starting Monday, 16 May. Organisations will be able to access the Harvard ManageMentor alongside LMKnowledge (LMK) with more than 10,000 articles, videos, and podcasts from worldwide sources. » MORE


Older People Learn Differently, Not Worse

Bremen (GER), May 2011 - Numerous project partners from industry and science developed solutions for the challenges of demographic change in the "Fit4Age" research association, which has been working for the last three years. Together with the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and the University of Regensburg, szenaris GmbH looked at the conditions under which older people can be successfully qualified with eLearning. » MORE

'Little's Britain'

The UK's sports world embraces eLearning

London (UK), May 2011 - (by Bob Little) We're used to industries such as financial services and pharmaceuticals using eLearning to reduce the cost of staff learning and development; make it more available on demand; help meet regulatory/compliance obligations, and even help maintain competitive advantage through improved product knowledge and efficiency. » MORE

Talent Management

Totara Announces Roadmap for New Features

Wellington (NZ), May 2011 - The roadmap of Totara LMS, the open source LMS for the corporate sector based on Moodle, is now out for consultation with partners and subscribers and includes new talent-management modules to manage appraisals. It also includes 360 feedback and an exciting new program-management feature to create learning paths, mandatory learning, and recurring learning requirements. » MORE

Ready to Grow

UK Business Missing Out on Efficiency Gains

London (UK), May 2011 - Heads of UK learning companies contend that as cuts-ridden Britain emerges from recession, it is missing out on a potential source of significant cost savings and efficiency gains because of outdated attitudes to training among top management. » MORE

Business Competitiveness

Learning Technologies Must Play Crucial Role

Brighton (UK), May 2011 - Brightwave has launched a new series of videos featuring leading figures from the world of workplace learning to share success stories and lessons learned. The videos also explore how learning technologies can support fast-changing business practices in the next decade. » MORE

Informal Learning

Shortlist of Five Myths

Den Bosch (NL), May 2011 - Bob Mosher, Chief Learning and Strategy Evangelist at LearningGuide Solutions, is helping L&D professionals to understand how to approach implementing the right informal learning strategy for their workplace. "I'd like to share some myths I've encountered when trying to intentionally implement a successful informal learning strategy", says Mosher. » MORE