
Efficient Training

Polish Optometrists Have Insight

Saarbrücken (GER)/ Warsaw (PL), August 2010 - In order to convey medical advancements in ophthalmology to the relevant specialist doctors, equally advanced learning-management methods are being used in Poland. OKOMEDICA S.A, based in Warsaw, has launched a new project enabling eye doctors to undertake further training in ametropia, a specialist area of optometry. At the core of this project is the SaaS variant of IMC AG's CLIX learning-management system. This project, which is the first of its kind in Poland in terms of size, is financially supported by the European Social Fund. » MORE

Project Management

A New Way to Obtain APMP Qualification

London (UK), August 2010 - ILX Group plc have announced a new fast-track training course in support of the Association for Project Management APMP Qualification. APMP Qualification with prior learning has been designed specifically for PRINCE2® registered practitioners recognizing that several areas of the APM Body of Knowledge will have already been tested at examination. PRINCE2® registered Practitioners will now be given exemption from a number of topics and will study towards an exam that only tests those areas that are not fully covered by PRINCE2®. » MORE

Management Buy-Out

Giunti Labs Rebrands to eXact Learning Solutions

Sestri Levante (I), August 2010 - Giunti Labs, the online and mobile-learning content-management and digital-repository solution provider, has announced that it is undergoing a management buy-out by the management that started its activities within Giunti Editore Publishing Group during the '90s. At the same time, Giunti Labs has rebranded to eXact learning solutions from 01 August 2010. » MORE

Random Questions

Free Adobe Skills Tests Prove a Hit for Highlander

London (UK), August 2010 - Employees are keener than ever to test, maintain, and demonstrate their skills, and this has been reflected in the popularity of Highlander's range of free online Adobe Skills Tests. Highlander's Adobe Skills Tests cover a range of topics such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, ActionScript, and DreamWeaver and are completely free to take. » MORE

'Little's Britain'

Sheffield's eLearning Community grows

London (UK), August 2010 - (by Bob Little) One of the UK's newest stars in the e-learning sector, The Safety Train, has re-located its operations to Sheffield, largely on the basis of Learning Light's advice and guidance. Already, according to Jonathan Blythe, The Safety Train's business development director, the move seems to be paying off. The Safety Train provides training, via eLearning materials, dealing with social care, office health and safety and personal development. These eLearning materials are delivered via streaming video over the web and/or via mobile phone apps. » MORE

EFQM and Kirkpatrick

Self-evaluation for Quality Development

Nancy (FR), July 2010 - Self-evaluation is part of internal quality assurance: the process of reviewing the quality of one's own performance and provision. According to the EFQM definition, self-evaluation or self-assessment refers to a comprehensive, systematic, and regular review of an organization's activities and results referenced against the EFQM model. The self-assessment process allows the organization to discern its strengths clearly and areas in which improvements can be made. It culminates in planned improvement actions, which are then monitored for progress. » MORE

Serious Games

CrossKnowledge Launches Third Generation

London (UK), July 2010 - CrossKnowledge argues that learning is at its best when linked to having fun. In this vein, they have announced the launching of unique third-generation serious games from September 2010 onwards. » MORE


Aurion Learning Celebrates Launch of Informing Families

Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 2010 - Informing families that their child has a disability is never an easy task, but now some help is at hand. The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies and Equality, Disability, and Mental Health Minister John Moloney have launched the Informing Families Project, which has culminated in the development and launch of a range of tools and materials designed to support best practice at the time of a child's diagnosis with a disability. » MORE


Free Compliance Question Bank from Saffron

London (UK), July 2010 - As instructional designers know, writing effective test questions is one of the most difficult parts of their job. To provide assistance with this tricky task, Saffron Interactive has released a bank of questions that can be used to support compliance training courses. » MORE