
Sharing Knowledge

The Commonwealth of Learning in Action

Vancouver, BC (CA), July 2010 - Participants at a Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) training workshop in Maldives developed course materials for a Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture for Small States. This is VUSSC's first diploma-level programme. » MORE

Serious Games

CrossKnowledge Launches Third Generation

London (UK), July 2010 - CrossKnowledge argues that learning is at its best when linked to having fun. In this vein, they have announced the launching of unique third-generation serious games from September 2010 onwards. » MORE


Aurion Learning Celebrates Launch of Informing Families

Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 2010 - Informing families that their child has a disability is never an easy task, but now some help is at hand. The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies and Equality, Disability, and Mental Health Minister John Moloney have launched the Informing Families Project, which has culminated in the development and launch of a range of tools and materials designed to support best practice at the time of a child's diagnosis with a disability. » MORE


Free Compliance Question Bank from Saffron

London (UK), July 2010 - As instructional designers know, writing effective test questions is one of the most difficult parts of their job. To provide assistance with this tricky task, Saffron Interactive has released a bank of questions that can be used to support compliance training courses. » MORE

Public Sector

Making the Most of a Tight Training Budget

Bath (UK), July 2010 - Following the cuts, the job losses, and the pay freezes, the public sector is faced with having to continue to provide the same service with considerably less to offer staff. However there is something the public sector can do in order to keep staff motivated and better prepared to handle what lies ahead: Training. » MORE

Collaborative Community

Sharing Questions and Answers on LearningGuide Manager

Milton Keynes (UK), July 2010 - LearningGuide Solutions has launched an online collaborative site using the NingTM social-media platform. The site enables authors using LearningGuide's single-source authoring environment to participate in a community where they can share ideas, provide product feedback, and read blogs and forum postings. » MORE

Budget Cuts

Facing the Challenge in the Healthcare Sector

West Yorkshire (UK), July 2010 - In his first budget statement, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said that he will control spending in government departments to "get more for less". The Lean Healthcare Academy sets out to show how. » MORE

Training Resource

Eden Tree from GoodPractice Launches Toolkit

Edinburgh (UK), July 2010 - Eden Tree offers resources to support learning and development professionals. They include a suite of "instant" training self-assessments, exercises, case studies, workshops, and handouts. Compared with their previous experience trawling the internet, Eden Tree users report a time savings of up to eighty percent. » MORE


UK Top 50 IT Training Providers 2010

London (UK), July 2010 - Pardo Fox, specialist provider of market intelligence and strategic consultancy to the IT training industry, has published its annual table of the UK's Top 50 IT training providers by revenue. » MORE


Christian M. Stracke Is the New Chair of CEN TC 353

Essen (GER), July 2010 - Mike Collett of Great Britain, Chair of the European Standardisation Body for eLearning (CEN TC 353), has gone into retirement. Under his leadership, the standardization committee for eLearning has produced considerable results in only three years. » MORE