
Instructional Design

Six Steps to Creating High-quality Video Training

Santa Rosa, CA (USA), June 2010 -Video is the fastest means currently available to create engaging online learning experiences, especially for the masses. With this in mind, in the following article, Jeremy Vest of Learning Solutions Magazine explains how to best use video as a rapid instructional design and development tool. He provides a step-by-step guide for creating great instructional video design and producing such experiences. » MORE

'Little's Britain'

Learning technologies blogs and 'free learning resources'

London (UK), June 2010 - (by Bob Little) The internet has prompted many changes to our way of life. Within the 'eLearning' world in particular, it has made access to learning materials, information and performance support easier than ever. The downside is that there are so many of these materials available in a myriad of locations that it is often difficult to find them and/or to find the most appropriate ones for our needs. » MORE

Cedefop Forecast

Common European Trends in Skills Supply and Demand

Thessaloniki (GR), April 2010 - Cedefop has published a medium-term forecast up to 2020 on skills supply and demand in Europe. It shows that while general trends are common throughout Europe, there are substantial differences among Member States. » MORE

Broad Horizon

Kineo Offers Shots of Theory

Brighton (UK), March 2010 - Kineo suggests that a little theory doesn't hurt. To practice instructional design with intention, practitioners need to know what instructional strategies to use and why, in order to help maximize the learning. This means knowing a bit about learning theory and instructional-design theory. » MORE

Letter from UK

Trainers, know your place!

London (UK), November 2009 - (by Bob Little) IMC (UK) Learning Ltd has revealed research that looks at the barriers organisations encounter when providing training/learning. It also reveals attitudes towards adopting eLearning tools, as well as organisations' current use of new and emerging technologies for training. The research shows that 83% of respondents agree that enabling employees to learn is very important and say their organisations have defined training systems in place. Some 32%, however, agree that employees have little, if any, time for organised learning as they are too busy working for the survival of the business. » MORE

Labour Market

Blue Eskimo's 2009 Salary and Work Survey

Bromsgrove (UK), October 2009 - Blue Eskimo, a recruitment company for the training and eLearning industries, has just launched its annual salary and work survey. The survey is run in conjunction with the eLearning publication e.learning age magazine. » MORE

New Publication

Distance and eLearning in Transition

Budapest (HU), October 2009 - EDEN Online has announced a new joint publication by ISTE and Wiley, "Distance and eLearning in Transition - Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges". The book is a selection of the strongest EDEN conference papers from the past few years, revisiting research, innovation, and professional practice in distance and eLearning. » MORE

Informal Learning

High-Impact Practices for Corporate Training

Oakland, CA (USA), October 2009 - Bersin & Associates has published a new research report - a guide to modernising corporate training strategies through social and informal learning. The study contains data-driven research, best practices, tools, and examples to help adapt learning processes to the realities of business, available technologies, and today's new learning styles. » MORE

EU Study

Tax Incentives for Education and Training

Thessaloniki (GR), October 2009 - Cedefop has announced the publication of their recent study 'The use of tax incentives to support education and training in six selected Member States' (Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands and Finland). The study shows that there is considerable scope for tax incentives to cover a greater share of investment in education and training than they do today. » MORE