
Mobile Phone Industry

New Analysys Mason Report Available for Download

London (UK), February 2011 - For the annual Mobile World Congress, Analysys Mason is offering a collection of expert opinion pieces and analysis titled "Mobile Insight and the Connected Consumer". Some of the content is based on results of the Connected Consumer survey conducted with consumers across Europe and the USA, measuring trends in telecoms and media. » MORE


Two White Papers from Questionmark

Norwalk, CT (USA), February 2011 - The increasing use of wikis, blogs, and portals as learning environments has brought the use of embedded assessments to the fore as a way to help learners remember more and forget less. How can this new trend work for your organization? How will it impact the way you use online surveys and quizzes? And how can it help improve learning? Two free white papers from Questionmark offer insights and practical tips about using assessments effectively in a fast-changing world. » MORE

Learning & Development

Looking Ahead to a New Decade of Learning

North Woodchester (UK), February 2011 - The British Charity Learning Consortium has collected comments from some of its members about the challenges they've faced in the last decade in learning and development (L&D) and invited them to indulge in a little crystal-ball gazing on the industry's future. Read on to find out what Martin Baker, Laura Overton, Peter Honey, Ian Ross, and the charity L&D managers think is in store for a new decade of learning. » MORE

Movers and Shakers

Second Annual List of eLearning's Top Ten Published

London (UK), January 2011 - For the second year in succession, January sees the publication of corporate eLearning's "Top Ten Movers and Shakers" by Bob Little - in three lists covering "the World", "Europe", and "the UK". Of the 31 names on the three lists (nineteen men and ten women), only two names appear on more than one list: Fabrizio Cardinali, of the Italy-based LCMS producer, eXact learning solutions, and Piers Lea, of the eLearning content specialists LINE Communications. » MORE

Charities Lead the Way

Harnessing Social Networking for L&D

London (UK), January 2011 - Charities are ahead of their private and public-sector counterparts in harnessing the blueprint of social networking for learning. Martin Baker, founder and MD of the Charity Learning Consortium, says he is not surprised - using social media for learning is compellingly cost effective for charities, with private, exclusive networks in particular really proving their worth. » MORE


European Workforce Mobility on the Rise

Framingham, MA (USA), November 2010 - The analyst firm International Data Corporation (IDC) has announced the Western European results from its 2010 EMEA Enterprise Mobility Survey, which questioned 1,240 end users in thirteen countries across EMEA on the latest workforce mobility trends within their organizations. Interviews were conducted in July-August 2010 across seven countries in the Western European region of the survey, including ten company-size categories and industry verticals. » MORE


Supporting Tutors of Adaptive eLearning

Saarbrücken (GER), September 2010 - Over the last decade, the use of eLearning has become widespread. However, its further development and deployment faces a number of threats. Van Rosmalen's publication "Facilitating the Design and Support of Adaptive eLearning: Models to Assist the Tutor" discusses two models that address these needs. » MORE

Increasing Skill Levels

Personal Learning Accounts - Building on Lessons Learnt

London (UK), September 2010 - Research on personal learning accounts was funded by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills as part of a programme of activity to inform development of proposals in "Ambition 2020: skills, jobs, growth". The report was produced by Consulting Inplace Ltd and authored by Dr Steve Johnson, Richard Holt, Naz Khan, Mark Morrin, and Dr Szymon Sawicki. The following is a summary of the report. » MORE


White Paper on Rules of Engagement

Coventry (UK), July 2010 - Employee engagement in the UK remains low because employers are focusing on the wrong things, claims a white paper produced by the Training Foundation. It offers thought-provoking insights to employers that are worth considering in the light of their current engagement strategies. » MORE

Market Test

New Happy Book Released as Beta

London (UK), July 2010 - The Happy Manifesto, the second book from training company Happy Ltd, has been released in an online beta version. The idea is that, as with software, the book be market tested before publication, with readers suggesting changes and even stories from their own experience. » MORE