
Inspired Learning

The European Strength of 'unstructured' learning

London (UK), September 2008 - LINE Communications, a provider of learning and communications solutions, has conducted a survey of HR professionals working within large European organisations with a minimum of 3,000 employees. The majority of respondents sited 'unstructured' learning interventions as a crucial element for inspiring the curiosity to learn in their work force. » MORE

Cedefop Reports

Informal and Non-formal Learning under the Loop

Thessaloniki (GR), July 2008 - Learning acquired outside schools - whether at the workplace, at leisure, or even at home - is increasingly becoming an accepted route toward acquiring formal qualifications. The expansion of systems validating such learning is partly due to the rapid development of National Qualifications Frameworks across Europe. » MORE

Papers and Projects

Collaborative Research Project for rapid eLearning

Cirencester (UK), June 2008 - Elearnity, a European corporate learning analyst, has announced a comprehensive programme of research and white papers into rapid eLearning. With its focus on producing eLearning content in days or weeks rather than months, rapid eLearning is a highly attractive proposition for corporate eLearning teams. It's having a real impact on corporate eLearning and eLearning suppliers. » MORE


Dynamic Content: Connecting Business Performance and Learning

The Hague (NL), June 2008 - New or revised learning content should be made available immediately. By using a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) with a dynamic content delivery model managing content becomes quick and easy, allowing you to connect learning to business performance. An LCMS equips your workers with current knowledge to drive sales, improve customer service, reduce cycle times, reduce costs and improve performance in whatever role they have. » MORE


Providing Learners with Feedback

London (UK), May 2008 - Giving learners feedback when they take assessments is a valuable way to help them make cognitive connections and retrieve correct information in the future. But how can feedback be used most effectively? A new research paper licensed by Questionmark and published by Dr. Will Thalheimer of Work-Learning Research examines this topic in detail. » MORE

Free Online

CEDEFOP'S Forecast on Future Demand for Skills

Thessaloniki (GR), April 2008 - Cedefop's study on the medium-term demand for skills, Future skill needs in Europe, the conclusions of which were presented in a high-profile conference at Cedefop, is now available free of charge. The publication reveals the employment impact of structural change across sectors and occupations. » MORE


New MASIE Social Network for Learning Experts

New York (USA), April 2008 - Elliot Masie, the American eLearning expert and director of the Masie Center, has recently formed an online community. It is called "LearningTown!", and its organizer describes is as a "vendor-neutral learning focused network". The "village for learning professionals" is sub-divided into special-interest groups such as mobile learning, nextgen learning, women and learning, boomer learning, and others. » MORE

Research Report

A Learning Management System for Any Budget

Sunnyvale, CA (USA), March 2008 - Many people have the impression that only large, affluent corporations can afford an LMS, but Brandon Hall Research says this is not true. In the 2008 edition of its Low-Cost Learning Management Systems Report, 31 systems were profiled and reviewed that are priced below average for small, medium, large, and very large implementations. » MORE

Australian Reports

New eLearning Research Debunks "eMyths"

Brisbane, QLB (AUS), March 2008 - The national training system's eLearning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework has published three new reports with some unexpected findings. The research has revealed "eMyths" about mature-aged workers and technology; the uptake of eLearning in registered training organisations (RTOs); and why employers are "eSmitten" with flexible learning. » MORE

EU Forecast

What Skills Will Europeans Need in the Years to Come?

Thessaloniki (GR), March 2008 - CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, presents its first forecast of skill needs up to the year 2015. The study "Future skill needs in Europe: medium-term forecast" concludes that demand for skills and qualifications is being driven upwards in most occupations, including in so-called elementary jobs, by the continuing rise of the service sector and sweeping technological and organisational changes. » MORE