
Total Learning

Brightwave Releases tessello 3.0

Brighton (UK), December 2014 - Next-generation learning agency Brightwave has released a significant update to its total learning system tessello. Harnessing xAPI technology, tessello's latest release includes new features such as structured learning pathways and event-booking modules, making the system one of the first on the market to combine formal learning with social, coaching, and collaborative tools. » MORE

Human Resources

Tools and stimulators of corporate development

Berlin, December 2014 - What is the future role of HR departments? How will they become a strategic partner of management, and what innovative ideas can they advance in the process? The conference section "New Roles for HR- will address these questions on 29 January 2015. Kerstin Hamann, Director of Personnel and Organizational Development at Berliner Wasserbetriebe, the City of Berlin's municipal water utility, will present her company's concept, which was recently awarded a seal of quality. » MORE


Social learning: Learners organize themselves

Ellen TrudeKarlsruhe, December 2014 - "Social Learning is a frequently used term, but one that's understood in many different ways. To me Social Learning provides a fundamentally new way of learning whose use has to be carefully considered and planned. Simply opening a forum doesn't constitute a web-based training program," explains Ellen Trude, moderator of the conference section on Social Learning on 27 January at 11:00. » MORE

Sensibility Is Required

Data security when learning with xAPI

Thomas PilzKühlungsborn, December, 2014 - The company " eG" deals with a variety of eLearning issues, but its focus is on eLearning software that provides data security. With, its own version of the Experience API, the company completes its offerings of "unite" education, making available the most comprehensive and secure eLearning package in Germany. According Thomas Pilz, xAPI software developer, with the right technology, it is possible to collect large amounts of data in eLearning and to use it in a safe, responsible way. » MORE

No "Yes-Men"

Generation Y: Learning requirements for 2020

Dr. Nico RoseGütersloh, December 2014 - Many HR departments are encouraged today to prepare for the "otherness" of Generation Y if - given the demographic factors - they are to compete in the face of intensifying competition for young employees. Dr. Nico Rose has a degree in psychology and, alongside his responsibility for Employer Branding at Bertelsmann, works as a freelance coach. In 2010 he was awarded the German "Coaching Award". His presentation at the LEARNTEC Conference asks what strategic skills are important in the future. » MORE

A Topic for the Future

"Visibility, proximity and intelligence"

Thomas Klose, Creative Director Darmstadt, December 2014 - As soon as a user has to think in dealing with a machine, the people who set up the system haven't done a good job. At least this is the opinion of Thomas Klose, Creative Director and Editorial Director at Camao AG in Darmstadt. The user is the one for whom an interface, as man-machine interfaces are also called, should be the least noticeable. » MORE

Blue Eskimo

The Learning Sector Can Shape Its Own Pay

Nick JonesStoke Prior (UK), November 2014 - Blue Eskimo's salary and work survey is one of the most influential ways for learning professionals to make their views known to employers and clients, says the company. According to Blue Eskimo, learning sector pay has roughly flatlined, with no significant improvement since 2009. » MORE

Latest Version

UpsideLMS Goes Multi-Device

Pune (IN), November 2014 - Upside Learning's best value, multi-award winning learning- management system, UpsideLMS, is now available on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones and is supported on Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari on Mac and IE. » MORE


EI Design Partners with the "Amazon of eLearning"

Bangalore (IN), November 2014 - Global eLearning solutions provider EI Design has announced a new partnership with OpenSesame, an eLearning marketing portal accessed by several Fortune 500 companies. "OpenSesame is the 'Amazon of eLearning', so we're really excited that this marketing portal will now carry our ProductLine Suite 1," says EI Design founder, Asha Pandey. » MORE

Try Platform for Free

Docebo Launches Open-Source Mobile-Learning App

Claudio ErbaNaples (I), November 2014 - Docebo, a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) eLearning-solutions provider, has published Docebo Mobile, a mobile app that enables users to learn anywhere, anytime, on demand. Claudio Erba, Docebo's CEO, explained, "This app allows a client's workforce to access learning materials on a just-in-time basis via their mobile devices. The Docebo Mobile app allows learners to attend Docebo-based eLearning courses via a smartphone and, ultimately, via any mobile device." » MORE