
Blue Eskimo

The Learning Sector Can Shape Its Own Pay

Nick JonesStoke Prior (UK), November 2014 - Blue Eskimo's salary and work survey is one of the most influential ways for learning professionals to make their views known to employers and clients, says the company. According to Blue Eskimo, learning sector pay has roughly flatlined, with no significant improvement since 2009. » MORE

Latest Version

UpsideLMS Goes Multi-Device

Pune (IN), November 2014 - Upside Learning's best value, multi-award winning learning- management system, UpsideLMS, is now available on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones and is supported on Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari on Mac and IE. » MORE


EI Design Partners with the "Amazon of eLearning"

Bangalore (IN), November 2014 - Global eLearning solutions provider EI Design has announced a new partnership with OpenSesame, an eLearning marketing portal accessed by several Fortune 500 companies. "OpenSesame is the 'Amazon of eLearning', so we're really excited that this marketing portal will now carry our ProductLine Suite 1," says EI Design founder, Asha Pandey. » MORE

Despite the Online Age

"Learning Isn't Changing"

Bob LittleLondon (UK), November 2014 - For over twenty years, Bob Little has specialised in writing about, and commentating on, corporate learning, especially eLearning, and technology-related subjects. His work has been published in the UK, Continental Europe, the USA, and Australia. He will participate in the Opening Conversation of "Business EDUCA" on 04 December 2014 from 11:45 to 13:00 with the provocative assumption "Learning Isn't Changing". » MORE

At the Workplace

Design Thinking for Mobile Learning Interventions

Alessia MessutiTurin (I), November 2014 - Alessia Messuti has a background in communication, with a special focus on the use of new media for social inclusion and local development. Since 2013 she has been working for the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO) on mobile learning for development projects. In the OEB session "Supporting Learning in the Here and Now" on 05 December2014 from 14:30 to 15:45, she will speak about her experiences. » MORE


New Solution to Help Organizations

Tampa, FL (USA) - November 2014 - Tribridge, a technology-services firm specializing in business applications and cloud solutions, has released Tribridge Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The application, built on the Cornerstone OnDemand platform, helps organizations in regulated industries more efficiently track and report on professional accredited learning - a traditionally labor and time-intensive task for HR and development staff. » MORE

Azure Marketplace

Process Guidance Suite Is Now Microsoft Azure Certified

Saarbruecken (GER), November 2014 - Ensuring efficient execution of business processes and helping users to navigate through complex software applications, the IMC Process Guidance Suite has been designed as an electronic performance-support system to boost employee performance during daily activities. » MORE

Video Technology

Kaltura Positioned in the "Leaders" Quadrant

New York, NY (USA), November 2014 - Kaltura Inc., a provider of a leading video-technology platform, has announced that it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the "Leaders" quadrant of the "Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management", with the furthest positioning on the "Completeness of Vision" axis. » MORE

For the UK Market

Learning Light Names Its Top Eight Performing LMSs

David PattersonSheffield (UK), November 2014 - Learning Light, the UK-based independent eLearning- industry market analyst, has produced its own thorough analysis of learning-management systems (LMSs) identifying its top performers. Learning Light Director, David Patterson, said, "We're aware that other organisations - notably Craig Weiss' eLearning 24/7 - publish lists of the top LMSs, but our detailed analysis relates specifically to these LMS's appropriateness for use by corporate-training organisations and training departments in the UK." » MORE


Ongoing Commitment to HTML5

Miami, FL (USA), November 2014 - As part their ongoing commitment to HTML5 as the preferred platform for content creation, QuickLessons has announced the release of a joint set of HTML5 updates, improvements, and new features incorporated into its online collaborative solution for eLearning content development. » MORE