
As Standard Offering

Kineo to Include New Learning Analytics Service

London (UK), February 2023 - Kineo have embraced data analytics, taking it beyond technology and infrastructure, expanding their service model to include a data lens for the design and development of content.


Rapid Authoring Tool

Celebrating Ten Years of Claro!

Ottawa, ON (CN), May 2021 - dominKnow is celebrating the tenth anniversary of Claro, its award-winning web-based rapid authoring tool. In 2011, Claro was an industry-leading innovation. When many authoring tools were promising "mobile support", dominKnow truly delivered it with Claro. As one of the first all-HTML5 authoring tools - dropping Flash - Claro content worked across iOS and Android devices, and even on Blackberry and Palm OS, with no surprises.


eCom USA Learning Solutions

Cloud-Based VR Authoring Tool with xAPI Capability Launched

Dunfermline (SCT), March 2021 - Digital learning and assessment specialists eCom have launched a virtual reality (VR) authoring tool specifically designed for use in learning and assessment. Called eNetReality™, the tool has been successfully tested in the fields of education, construction, and medicine - and is continuing to be trialled by a pilot group of organisations in the academic, charity, and public sectors.


Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt

Learning Analytics: Lerner in den Vordergrund rücken

Stuttgart, Oktober 2020 – Viele Unternehmen erhoffen sich von Big Data und Künstlicher Intelligenz, die Lernerfolge ihrer Mitarbeiter zu optimieren. Zurecht, denn letztlich können mit ihrer Hilfe maßgeschneiderte Lernvorschläge auf sehr hohem Niveau erstellt werden. Damit sich die erwünschten Erfolge allerdings auch wirklich einstellen ist es zentral, von Beginn an die richtigen Fragen zu klären und die passende Datenbasis zu schaffen: Wohin soll es gehen? Was soll am Ende herauskommen? Dann können Learning Analytics den Lerner wirklich in den Vordergrund rücken.


User Experience

PeopleFluent Learning 15.1 Enables Increased Configurability

Raleigh, NC (USA), March 2020 - PeopleFluent has released a new version of the PeopleFluent LMS (formerly known as NetDimensions LMS), a state-of-the-art learning management system for enterprise training and compliance management. The latest release and update of the award-winning learning management system (LMS) features new integrations that will enhance functionality across PeopleFluent’s user experience platform.


Zertifiziert vom BSI

Arcadia präsentiert LTI- und OneRoster-Standards Expertise

London/St. Petersburg, Januar 2020 - Als einer der internationalen Marktführer für kundenspezifische eLearning-Lösungen präsentiert Arcadia seine Erfahrungen bei der Integration von LTI- und OneRoster-Standards für Lern-Managementsysteme auf der LEARNTEC in Karlsruhe vom 28. bis 30. Januar 2020 an Stand Nummer G83.



Understanding an LMS Is Not Rocket Science

Saarbrücken (GER), October 2019 - The world of learning management systems is full of abbreviations and technical terms. eLearning newcomers quickly get confused and lose the fun while struggling with all the technical jargon.



Umgang mit LMS ist kein Hexenwerk

Saarbrücken, September 2019 - In der Welt der Learning Management Systeme wimmelt es vor Abkürzungen und Fachbegriffen. ELearning-Neulinge verlieren hier schnell den Überblick und damit gleichzeitig den Spaß daran, sich durch all das Fachchinesisch zu quälen. Mit der neuen Beitragsreihe LMS Aktuell will IMC Licht ins Dunkel bringen und Weiterbildungsinteressierten zeigen, dass der Umgang mit Learning Management Systemen gar nicht so kompliziert ist, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint. 


The MASIE Center

New Learning PRODUCER LAB to Debut 26 March

Saratoga Springs, NY (USA), January 2019 - Elliott Masie will lead a new, experimental, and experiential Learning Producer LAB at The MASIE Center Learning LAB in Saratoga Springs, NY this March.


Seamless Experience

Filtered and Fuse Universal Collaborate on API Integration

Marc Zao-SandersLondon (UK), December 2018 - Marc Zao-Sanders, CEO and co-founder of Filtered, has revealed that the company has completed a successful API integration with Fuse Universal for telecommunications company Colt. The purpose was to bring learning recommendations to Colt's 5,000 staff through the Fuse Universal platform.