Unicorn Release Note 8.5
Bournemouth (UK), July 2019 - Unicorn LMS 8.5 brings improvements to many existing features, with enhanced form functionality with new fields and email options, as well as introducing better ways to report on them. Unicorn continues to update eCreator, making it even easier to design content. There have been improvements to My Team Activity for tracking Team activity progress. This release also sees the introduction of the Qualification Portlet enhancing the Qualification functionality of the LMS.
» MOREMicroLearn Further Expands Content Library
London (UK), April 2019 - Dedicated to developing new topics, alongside managing existing content, MicroLearn’s Creative Team have created eight brand-new courses for release in April 2019, increasing the size of its off-the-shelf catalogue to 150 titles. The courses are entitled Remote Working, Networking, Collaborative Working, Career Planning and First Impressions.
» MOREHerbst-Release zur tt performance suite für IT-gestütztes Lernen
Heidelberg, Dezember 2018 - Der Heidelberger Learning-Spezialist tts hat eine neue Version der Performance-Support-Software tt performance suite veröffentlicht. Neben Stabilitätsverbesserungen und Gamification-Elementen zur Erhöhung der Lernmotivation bringt das Herbst-Release zahlreiche neue Funktionen mit, die vor allem für Autoren interessant sind.
» MEHRIMC Publishes the Latest Versions of Its Learning Technologies
Saarbrücken (GER), June 2016 - While the eLearning industry keeps developing at high speed, IMC AG, a German-based full-service provider of digital training, continues to set new benchmarks in terms of usability, innovation, and efficiency of processes in digital learning. The company recently unveiled the latest enhancements of its solutions: the Learning Management System, IMC Learning Suite, the Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), IMC Process Guide, and the eLearning authoring software, IMC Content Studio.
» MORENew Version of tt performance suite ELearning Software
Heidelberg (GER), May 2016 - Knowledge is fundamentally important to any company’s long term success. It is therefore essential to make knowledge available to employees with a mix of information that is simultaneously meaningful and timely. With tt performance suite, tts GmbH delivers precisely the right instrument to meet this purpose. The software offers a highly integrated eLearning authoring environment, which combines the functions of a professional, server-based documentation system with a powerful eLearning production tool, and provides a variety of ways to publish content to employees. More than 4,500,000 users already benefit from the software to meet their daily needs for corporate knowledge. tt performance suite is now available in a new version with functions that make it even more flexible in specific customer situations.
» MORERelease 16.04 der ePortfolio-Software Mahara verfügbar
London, Mai 2016 - Das Mahara-Entwickler-Team hat seine freie ePortfolio-Software in der Version 16.04 frei gegeben. Mahara wird häufig von Lernenden im eLearning eingesetzt, um ihre Fortschritte zu dokumentieren, sich mit anderen zu vernetzen und auszutauschen. Mittels verschiedener Zusatzmodule kann die Software ins Kurssystem Moodle integriert werden oder Europass-Lebensläufe generieren.
» MEHRNew Features that Create Efficiencies for Educators and Trainers
2024 neigt sich dem Ende zu und damit starten die Vorbereitungen für das nächste Jahr. Welche Trends werden in 2025 die L&D Branche prägen? Was sind die größten Herausforderungen für Personalentwickler:innen und wie können sie ihnen begegnen? Nehmen Sie sich fünf Minuten Zeit!